Pentecost commemorates the gift of the Spirit, and after the festival we enter the time of the church.  In these weeks we hear the teachings and parables of our Lord.  The season extends until we turn again to contemplate the coming of Christ at the Nativity.  The church year begins on September 1st and is marked especially by the festival of the nativity of the Theotokos on September 8th.  

The sacrament of repentance (confession) is offered half an hour prior to both Vespers on Saturday and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  

Our services are conducted primarily in English with some Spanish and Ukrainian.  We welcome visitors and inquirers to our vibrant community of faith.  

Our patron saint Anthony (251-356) was an Egyptian revered as the father of all monastics.  His influence was felt far and wide through his words in collections of the sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and through his biography which was written by St. Athanasius.  St. Anthony is revered in many church bodies East and West throughout the world.



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Our church building is eight miles south of Las Cruces on Highway 478 near Yucca Road

Come and pray with us @ 8923 S. Main, Mesilla Park  88047


V. Rev. Gabriel C Rochelle, Priest

We are a parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA